Search Muslim Baby Islamic Names for Boys and Girls

Found 134 Islamic names sound like 'Abdul Qadeer' in baby names for Muslim Boys.

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# Islamic Name Meaning
51 Abdul Halim Slave of the Wise
52 Abdul-Qaadir Servant of the Able
53 Abdul Muqeet Slave of the Sustainer
54 Abdul Azeez The servant of the most powerful
55 Abdul-Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy
56 Abdul Karim Slave of the Gracious
57 Abdul Qayyum Slave of the Self-Subsistent
58 Abdul Wajid Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver
59 Abdul Ghafoor Servant of the Forgiver
60 Abdul-Mughni Servant of the Enricher
61 Abdul Muhsin Slave of the Benefactor
62 Abdul-Ghafur Servant of the All-Forgiving
63 Abdul Hayy Slave of the Living
64 Abdul-Wadood Servant of the Loving
65 Abdul Naseer Slave of the Helper
66 Abdul Baqi Slave of the Eternal
67 Abdul-Lateef Servant of the Subtle One
68 Abdul Mannan Slave of the Benefactor
69 Abdul Rahman Servant of the merciful one
70 Abdul-Baaqi Servant of the Everlasting
71 Abdul Hameed Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised
72 Abdul-Qahhar Servant of the Subduer
73 Abdul Muqsit Slave of the Just
74 Abdul Azim Slave of the great
75 Abdul-Haqq Servant of the Truth
Found 134 Islamic names sound like 'Abdul Qadeer' in baby names for Muslim Boys in 6 pages.
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