11 cities found that start with 't' in Cocos Islands

1. Tanjong Batu Kapala (12.13S, 96.82E)
, Point

2. Tanjong Klikil (12.2S, 96.86E)
, Point

3. Tanjong Puji (12.18S, 96.85E)
, Point

4. Telok Grongeng (12.18S, 96.93E)
, Bay

5. Telok Gronjeng (12.18S, 96.93E)
, Bay

6. Telok Sabrang (12.2S, 96.9E)
, Bay

7. Telok Sebrang (12.2S, 96.9E)
, Bay

8. Teluk Jambu (12.17S, 96.82E)
, Lagoon

9. Territory of Cocos Keeling Islands (12S, 96.83E)
, Dependent Political Entity

10. Turk Reef (12.12S, 96.83E)
, Reef(s)

11. Turtle Pond (12.12S, 96.89E)
, Pond