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The word(s) "truly" appears 138 time(s) in 136 verse(s) in Quran in Mohsin Khan translation.

(11) Then whoever changes the bequest after hearing it, the sin shall be on those who make the change. truly, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
(12) And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. truly, Allah likes not the transgressors. [This Verse is the first one that was revealed in connection with Jihad, but it was supplemented by another (9:36)].
(13) And spend in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad of all kinds) and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of Allah), and do good. truly, Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers).
(14) Then depart from the place whence all the people depart and ask Allah for His Forgiveness. truly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.
(15) They ask you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) what they should spend. Say: Whatever you spend of good must be for parents and kindred and orphans and Al-Masakin (the poor) and the wayfarer, and whatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knows it well.
(16) In (to) this worldly life and in the Hereafter. And they ask you concerning orphans. Say: "The best thing is to work honestly in their property, and if you mix your affairs with theirs, then they are your brothers. And Allah knows him who means mischief (e.g. to swallow their property) from him who means good (e.g. to save their property). And if Allah had wished, He could have put you into difficulties. truly, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise."
(17) They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: that is an Adha (a harmful thing for a husband to have a sexual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses), therefore keep away from women during menses and go not unto them till they are purified (from menses and have taken a bath). And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allah has ordained for you (go in unto them in any manner as long as it is in their vagina). truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and cleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for their prayers).
(18) And if you divorce them before you have touched (had a sexual relation with) them, and you have appointed unto them the Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), then pay half of that (Mahr), unless they (the women) agree to forego it, or he (the husband), in whose hands is the marriage tie, agrees to forego and give her full appointed Mahr. And to forego and give (her the full Mahr) is nearer to At-Taqwa (piety, righteousness). And do not forget liberality between yourselves. truly, Allah is All-Seer of what you do.
(19) Did you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) not think of those who went forth from their homes in thousands, fearing death? Allah said to them, "Die". And then He restored them to life. truly, Allah is full of bounty to mankind, but most men thank not.
(20) truly those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat they will have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.
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The word(s) "truly" appears 138 time(s) in 136 verse(s) in Quran in Mohsin Khan translation.