Arabic to English Translation
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151. | unbelt | فك الحزام |
152. | Decipherment decoder | فكّ الرموز |
153. | redemption | فك الرهن |
154. | unlace | فك الرباط |
155. | unbutton | فك الزرار |
156. | disengagement | فك ارتباط |
157. | unpeg | فك بإزالة الوتد |
158. | decrypt | فك تشفير |
159. | Unbelted | فكّ حزام |
160. | decoding | فك رموز |
161. | redeem | فك رهنا |
162. | Decrypt, Decrypted, Decrypting decode | فكّ شفرة |
163. | Cannibalize, Disassemble, Disjoin, Dismantle, Take-apart disassemble, dismount, dismantle, take to pieces, take apart, tear down, break up, dismember, disjoin, disconnect, disunite, dissociate, disjoint | فكّك |
164. | witty, humorous, jocose, facetious | فكه |
165. | costermonger | فكهاني متجول |
166. | radar scanner | فكاك الرموز |
167. | Comicalness humorous, comical, funny, comic wit | فكاهي |
168. | Joky humorous, comical, funny, comic wit | فكاهيّ |
169. | comicality | فكاهية |
170. | humor, humour, facetiousness, jest, anecdote | فكاهة |
171. | small change | فكة |
172. | in fact | فكت |
173. | Brooded, Cerebrate, Cogitate think, cerebrate, reason, think out, think over, bethink, consider, contemplate, reflect, meditate, speculate on intellect, thought, idea | فكّر |
174. | ruminate, turn over | فكر في |
175. | look ahead | فكر في المستقبل |
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