Arabic to English Translation
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26. | hamstrung | افقده |
27. | him | افكر فيه |
28. | fleche | افليش |
29. | avi | افي |
30. | ave. | افي. |
31. | opium | افيون |
32. | unregenerate | افاءده ترجى منه |
33. | becoming dry, short | افتقار |
34. | miss | افتقد |
35. | come down, ruin | افتقر |
36. | enchantment, adoration, rave | افتنان |
37. | decreed | افتى |
38. | fascinated | افتتن |
39. | fascination, trance, ravishment, rhapsody, crush, translation | افتتان |
40. | opening, inauguration, start, setting up | افتتاح |
41. | initiatory, preliminary, precursory, inaugural, inaugurated | افتتاحي |
42. | Inaugurals editorials | افتتاحيّات |
43. | editorial | افتتاحيتها |
44. | inaugurate, initiate, start, strike up | افتتح |
45. | honour, boast, pride, profess, have a pride in, honor | افتخر |
46. | buy, redeem | افتدى |
47. | ransom, redemption | افتداء |
48. | part company, separate | افترق |
49. | parted | افترقنا |
50. | calumniate, slander, rubricate | افترى |
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