1,462 cities found that start with 'm' in Ireland
1. Maam Cross (53.45N, 9.53W) , Populated Place 2. Maas (54.83N, 8.36W) Donegal, Populated Place 3. Maas (54.83N, 8.36W) Donegal, Populated Place 4. Maas Lower (54.83N, 8.37W) Donegal, Populated Place 5. Maas Upper (54.83N, 8.35W) Donegal, Populated Place 6. Mac Murrough House (52.42N, 6.92W) Kilkenny, Building(s) 7. Macdara (53.31N, 9.92W) Galway, Island 8. Mace (53.39N, 9.02W) Galway, Populated Locality 9. Mace Head (53.32N, 9.9W) Galway, Cape 10. Macgillycuddys Reeks (52N, 9.7W) , Mountains 11. Mackan (54.03N, 7.57W) Cavan, Ruin(s) 12. Mackans (53.45N, 7.63W) , Populated Place 13. Mackey's Cross (51.91N, 8.55W) Cork, Populated Locality 14. Macklaun (51.99N, 9.95W) Kerry, Mountain 15. Mackney (52.72N, 8.4W) Tipperary, Locality 16. Macmine Castle (52.44N, 6.57W) Wexford, Estate(s) 17. Macmine Junction (52.42N, 6.57W) Wexford, Railroad Station 18. Macmine Junction Station (52.42N, 6.57W) Wexford, Railroad Station 19. Macreddin (52.88N, 6.33W) Wicklow, Populated Place 20. Macroney (52.18N, 8.21W) Cork, Locality 21. Macroom (51.9N, 8.95W) Cork, Populated Place 22. Mad River (54.1N, 8.77W) Sligo, Stream 23. Madabawn Bridge (54.03N, 7.02W) Cavan, Populated Place 24. Maddenstown House (53.13N, 6.88W) Kildare, Country House 25. Maddenstown South (53.11N, 6.91W) Kildare, Populated Place 26. Maddockstown (52.63N, 7.19W) Kilkenny, Populated Place 27. Maddoxland (53.99N, 6.25W) Louth, Estate(s) 28. Madman's Seat (51.99N, 9.63W) Kerry, Locality 29. Madore (51.63N, 9.29W) Cork, Locality 30. Madore (51.62N, 9.28W) , Railroad Station 31. Madore Station (51.62N, 9.28W) , Railroad Station 32. Maelra (52.54N, 8.31W) Limerick, Locality 33. Maganey (52.91N, 6.93W) Kildare, Populated Place 34. Maganey Bridge (52.91N, 6.94W) Laois, Populated Locality 35. Magannagan Stream (51.74N, 9.56W) Cork, Stream 36. Mageny (52.91N, 6.93W) Kildare, Populated Place 37. Magh (55.07N, 7.27W) Donegal, Populated Place 38. Maghanknockane (52.31N, 9.58W) Kerry, Populated Place 39. Maghanlawaun (51.97N, 9.78W) Kerry, Populated Place 40. Magharee Islands (52.32N, 10.04W) Kerry, Islands | 41. Magharee Sound (52.32N, 10.03W) Kerry, Sound 42. Maghera (52.88N, 9.16W) Clare, Locality 43. Maghera (54.76N, 8.53W) Donegal, Populated Place 44. Maghera (52.97N, 8.72W) Clare, Mountain 45. Maghera Cross (52.89N, 8.84W) Clare, Populated Place 46. Maghera Lough (52.96N, 8.74W) Clare, Lake 47. Magherabane (55.21N, 7.52W) Donegal, Populated Locality 48. Magherabaun (52.83N, 9.26W) Clare, Locality 49. Magherabeg (52.92N, 6.04W) Wicklow, Locality 50. Magherabeg (54.97N, 7.61W) Donegal, Populated Locality 51. Magheraboy (55.21N, 7.39W) Donegal, Populated Locality 52. Magheraboy (54.77N, 7.65W) Donegal, Populated Locality 53. Magheraboy (54.27N, 8.49W) Sligo, Populated Place 54. Magheracloigh (54.79N, 7.95W) Donegal, Spur(s) 55. Magheracloone (53.94N, 6.79W) Monaghan, Populated Place 56. Magheradrumman (55.25N, 7.66W) Donegal, Populated Place 57. Magheralahan (55.14N, 7.23W) Donegal, Populated Locality 58. Magheramore (55.26N, 7.36W) Donegal, Populated Locality 59. Magheramore (53.41N, 9.3W) Galway, Populated Locality 60. Magheramore House (52.93N, 6.03W) Wicklow, Country House 61. Magherarny Cross Roads (54.22N, 7.11W) Monaghan, Populated Locality 62. Magherarny Lough (54.22N, 7.11W) Monaghan, Lake 63. Magheraroarty Mountain (55.1N, 8.22W) Donegal, Hill 64. Magherashaghry (54.1N, 7.18W) Monaghan, Populated Locality 65. Maghereagh Cross (54.01N, 6.52W) Louth, Populated Place 66. Magherintemple (54.1N, 7.22W) Cavan, Populated Locality 67. Magheross (53.97N, 6.72W) Monaghan, Populated Place 68. Maghery (54.93N, 8.44W) Donegal, Populated Place 69. Maghery Bay (54.92N, 8.45W) , Bay 70. Maginstown House (52.42N, 7.79W) Tipperary, Estate(s) 71. Maglass House (52.25N, 9.55W) Kerry, Country House 72. Maglin (51.87N, 8.59W) Cork, House(s) 73. Magoney Bridge (54.03N, 6.61W) Monaghan, Populated Locality 74. Magowha (52.89N, 9.05W) Clare, Populated Place 75. Magowry (52.52N, 7.62W) Tipperary, Locality 76. Magrath Beg (54.78N, 8.17W) , Lake 77. Magrath Loughs (54.78N, 8.18W) Donegal, Lakes 78. Magrath More (54.77N, 8.18W) Donegal, Lake 79. Magrath's Point (52.75N, 9.53W) Clare, Point 80. Maguins Island (54.29N, 8.61W) Sligo, Island |