Arabic to English Translation

خدع found in 6 words.
1.Bamboozled, Beguiled, Bilked, Euchred, Gulled, Hoaxed, Hoodwinked, Suckered
deceive, play a trick, fool, delude, bluff, beguile, mislead, give the lie to, trick, cheat, defraud, swindle, con, rook, dupe, gull, hoax, humbug, leg pull, pull a fast one, pull his leg, bamboozle, skunk, fall for, settle his hash, job, bilk, chisel, crook, decoy, diddle, fiddle, fox, gyp, hocus-pocus, impose, intrigue, lure, mock, nick, overreach, ream, prank, sell, skin, stick, string along, take for a ride, take in, wile, victimize, get round, betray, blind, bubble, camouflage, catch, entrap, feint, fob, be illusory, jape, mystify, pitch, swank, bite, brown, do, pose, slang deception
2.two-timeخدع في الحب
3.hoodwinkخدع بمظهره الكاذب
4.trick, artifice, stratagem, subterfuge, ruse, wile, fetch, deception, fraud, sleight, ploy, dodge, hoax, gagخدعة
5.lousy trickخدعة قذرة
6.stratagemخدعة حربية
خدع found in 6 words.

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