Arabic to English Translation

شهواني found in 5 words.
1.Libidinal, Libidinous, Lustful, Lusty, Prurient
lustful, lewd, lascivious, lickerish, salacious, randy, wanton, amorous, sportive, sultry, voluptuary, voluptuous, warm, instinctive, libidinous, lush, sensual, carnal, passionate, luxurious satyr, voluptuary, sensualist
lustful, lewd, lascivious, lickerish, salacious, randy, wanton, amorous, sportive, sultry, voluptuary, voluptuous, warm, instinctive, libidinous, lush, sensual, carnal, passionate, luxurious satyr, voluptuary, sensualist
3.Venerousشهواني، فاسق، داعر
4.Venereousشهواني، فاسق، داعر، جنسيّ، الشّهوة المثيرة، المثير
5.carnality, lustfulness, sultriness, sensualityشهوانية
شهواني found in 5 words.

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