Arabic to English Translation

ضج found in 7 words.
1.make noise, din, buzz, resound boreضج
2.noise, noisiness, din, crash, hubbub, racket, thunder, hurly-burly, fuss, discord, horseplay, riptideضجيج
3.noise, din, rumour, roar, sound, tumult, rumpus, shindy, row, racket, pother, clutter, hullabaloo, ado, bother, botcher, hustle, stir, storm, rumor, sensation, titbitضجة
4.bangضجة داوية
5.hurly-burlyضجة سياسية
6.clangour, clangorضجة صاخبة
7.bore, give up, chortle, irk, tire, importune, weary boredom, restlessness, weariness, tedium, dullness, tiredness fed-up, bored, plumbضجر
ضج found in 7 words.

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