Arabic to English Translation

ضعيف found in 17 words.
1.Feckless, Feeble, Flimsy, Frail, Impaired, Languid, Nerveless, Powerless, Ragtag, Sickly, Tenuous, Unspectacular, Vulnerable, Weak, Weakened
weak, weakened, weakly, emaciated, faint, feckless, feeble, flabby, flagging, fragile, frail, impotent, helpless, infirm, languid, languorous, nerveless, powerless, puny, rickety, run-down, slim, lank, lean, scrawny, slender, slight, tenuous, thin, unsubstantial, wan, toothless, thready, delicate, crazy, deficient, enervate, invertebrate, scant, soft, streaked, supine, wimp, wishy-washy, dim, inaudible, lame, limp, pale, powered, little, low, lower, small cold, sheep, weak, haggard, softy beat off
2.Wimpishضعيف و عديم الجدوى
3.Unnervedضعيف أعصاب
4.poorضعيف المستوى
5.Diamagneticضّعيف النّفاذيّة المغناطيسيّة
6.Purblindضعيف النظر
7.Neurasthenicضعيف الأعصاب
8.Wishy-washyضعيف الإرادة، ضعيف
9.weak kneedضعيف الارادة
10.uncriticalضعيف التمييز
11.dysestheticضعيف الحس
12.Unimaginativeضعيف الخيال
13.spineless, wishy-washyضعيف الشخصية
weak minded
ضعيف العقل
15.Sexlessضعيف جنسيا
ضعيف found in 17 words.

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