Arabic to English Translation

طرد found in 20 words.
1.Axed, Benched, Centrifuged
fight down, throw out, direct, expel, deport, dislodge, eliminate, dismiss, drum, eject, evict, put out, remove, dispossess, repel, drive out, get off, toss out, turf out, turn away, turn off, turn out, sling out, spurn, toss, turf, send packing, send, bounce, evaporate, fence, hunt, oust, pitch, chuck, poke, rout, scat, shrift expulsion, package, sending away, banishment, chuck, deportation, castigation, ejection, elimination, dispossession, eviction, ouster, sack, disgrace, removal, dismissal, disqualification, shake, bouncer in order of the boot
2.relegationطرد في الرياضة
3.lay a ghostطرد لعنة الأرواح
4.flunkطرد من الكلية
5.put out, send offطرد من الملعب
6.put out of jointطرد من العضوية
7.send downطرد من جامعة
8.rusticateطرد مؤقتا من الجامعة
9.Exorcismطرد الأرواح
10.exorcise, exorcize exorcismطرد الارواح الشريرة
11.expectorateطرد البلغم
12.forejudgeطرد بقرار من المحكمة
13.packageطرد بريدي
14.sackingطرد جماعي
15.beat outطرده
17.Ejective, Extrusive
18.Centrifugalsطرديّ مركزيّ
19.huntingطردي خاص بالصيد
طرد found in 20 words.

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