Urdu to English Translation
خ found in 812 words & 33 pages. Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next | ||
76. | questionable | خلاف تہذیب |
77. | uncomplimentary | خلاف تواضع |
78. | undiplomatic | خلاف حکمت |
79. | unwonted | خلاف دستور |
80. | unconventional | خلاف رواج یا دستور |
81. | warn off | خلاف رائے دینا |
82. | unconscionable | خلاف ضمیر |
83. | unconstitutional | خلاف ضابطہ |
84. | unaccustomed | خلاف عادت |
85. | toothpick | خلال |
86. | longshoreman / tent pitcher | خلاسی |
87. | brief / content / epitome / extract / gist / kernel / outline / précis / quintessence / substance / summary / synopsis | خلاصہ |
88. | abbreviate / abridge / curtail / dock / summarise | خلاصہ کرنا |
89. | recapitulate | خلاصہ بنانا |
90. | epitomise | خلاصہ بنانا |
91. | deliverance / escape / exemption / freedom / immunity / liberation / redemption / release / relief / stevedore | خلاصی |
92. | jumble / medley / mélange / mingle | خلت |
93. | chaotic / intermixed / jumbled | خلت ملت |
94. | gallimaufry / intermixture | خلت ملت |
95. | welter | خلت ملت ہونا |
96. | huddle / intermix / muddle | خلت ملت کرنا |
97. | paradise | خلد |
98. | anxiety / apprehension / mordacity / pain / pinch / prick / sting | خلش |
99. | bend / coil / curl / curve / incurvature | خم |
100. | uncurl | خم نکالنا |
خ found in 812 words & 33 pages. Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next |
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